University of Free State Nursing Application 2024

University of Free State Nursing Application 2024, Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible in the application cycle.  Applications close at the end of May for medical programmes (apart from nursing).  The end of July is the latest you can apply for quantity surveying, architecture, construction management, and nursing programmes.  Applications for all other programs close at the end of September with the exception of Fine Arts programmes which close at the beginning of November.

Before you begin applying online or in hard copy, have a look at our infographic on Things to Remember Before Applying.

Apply to UFS using the online application

Things to note before applying online to UFS:

  1. You’ll need an email address to complete the application. Don’t have one?
  2. Have you calculated your APS?  You’ll need to do this before applying.
  3. South African applicants will need an ID number.  Foreign applicants will need their passport number.
  4. Scan your supporting documents so they are ready to upload.
  5. There is no application fee.

How to Apply Online

UFS has one online application form for both undergraduate and postgraduate applicants.  This is a simple nine-step application process.

  • Undergraduate and Postgraduate UFS Application Form

Apply to UFS using the hardcopy application

Things to note before applying with a hardcopy form:

  1. There are two different application forms: one for undergraduate applicants and one for postgraduates.
  2. Make sure you have attached all relevant supporting documents before sending off the application form.
  3. Have you calculated your APS?  You’ll need to do this before applying.
  4. There is no application fee.

You can post your application form to the following address:

University of the Free State
Admin Building
Kestell Road
Private Bag X13


More Important Info