Lilitha College of Nursing Course Fees

College Fees


  • Post Graduate – R6000 Per Annum
  • 4 Year Diploma –  R6000 Per Annum
  • Bridging Programme for Enrolled Nurses
    •  1st Year R3000
    •  2nd Year R4000

Lilitha College of Nursing

Lilitha College of Nursing Requirements

Lilitha College of Nursing Programmes and Courses

How to Apply to Lilitha College of Nursing

Lilitha College of Nursing Contact Details

Lilitha College of Nursing Course Fees

Post Registration Programmes:

  • 1 Year Diploma in Midwifery – R6000 Per Annum
  • 1 Year Diploma in Community Nursing Science – R3000 Per Annum

Enrollment Programmes (Certificate Courses):

  • Enrolled Nursing Auxiliary – R 3000 Per Annum
  • Enrolled Nursing –
    • 1st Year R3000
    • 2nd Year R4000

Financial Aid and Funding for nursing students:

Funding is provided to the following private nursing students:-

  • EC Department of Health;
  • Health and Welfare SETA for Learnerships; and
  • Employees from both public and private sector (Study leavers) to provide own funding for studies

Course Structure: The College provides the following fulltime Programmes:

Post Basic Diplomas: One Year: R212

  • Clinical Nursing Science, Health Assessment, Treatment and Care (PHC),
  • Child Nursing Science,
  • Orthopaedic Nursing,
  • Ophthalmic Nursing,
  • Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing Science (Centralised and Decentralised (DPAM),
  • Critical Care Nursing,
  • Operating Theatre Nursing
  • Community Nursing Science,

Basic Diplomas:

  • Diploma in Nursing (General. Community, Psychiatry) and Midwifery: Four Years:  R425
  • Diploma in General Nursing Science (bridging Course):  Two Years: R683
  • Diploma in One Year Midwifery:  One Year: R254

Certificate Programmes:

  • Enrolled Nursing (EN): Two Years:  R2175
  • Enrolled Nursing Auxiliary (ENA):  One Year: R2176

Short Learning Programmes:

  • Anesthesiology for all categories of nurses (4 weeks)
  • Primary Health Care (6 weeks)
  • HIV/AIDS and TB Management Certificate (8 weeks)