University Kwazulu-Natal Nursing Courses

University Kwazulu-Natal Nursing Courses, provide below are the list of both undergraduate and post graduate courses offered.

Undergraduate Programmes

Bachelor of Nursing

CHS – NURS 1 Eligibility; Bachelor of Nursing

Candidates are eligible to apply for selection to register for the qualification Bachelor of Nursing provided they have

  1. a) An NSC degree pass with English (HL/FAL) and Life Orientation 4 and Mathematics/Maths Literacy 3 and Life Sciences Level 4
  2. b) 30 points excluding Life Orientation.

CHS – NURS 2 Professional Indemnity

For all work-based or clinical learning, students are required to provide proof of professional indemnity before being allowed to enter the work-based or clinical learning area.

CHS – NURS 3 Exam Subminimum

A subminimum of 50% shall apply to all practical examinations which are part of nursing modules.

CHS – NURS 4 Statutory Body Requirements

No student shall be allowed to graduate unless the minimum hours of clinical work for the programme, as prescribed by the South African Nursing Council, have been completed.

CHS – NURS 5 Curriculum for the Bachelor of Nursing

  1. a) The curriculum for the qualification Bachelor of Nursing as approved by the CAAB shall extend over eight semesters or four years of full-time study.
  2. b) Students shall obtain at least 512 credits (including all prescribed modules) to qualify with a BN degree.

CHS – NURS 6 IsiZulu Language Requirement

Students whose home language is not from the Nguni group of languages shall be required to complete one 16 credit module of isiZulu, as one of the non-nursing electives.

CHS – NURS 7 Progression

To maintain their good standing, and to avoid either warning for slow academic progress or exclusion from the University, students must maintain minimum rates of progression through their qualifications. Minimum rates of acceptable progression for this qualification are set out below.

Number Semestersregistered Min. Progressionrequirements “At Risk” threshold(75% of Maximum) Normal progression
1 32 48 64
2 64 96 128
3 96 144 192
4 144 192 256
5 176 240 320
6 224 288 384
7 256 336 448
8 344 384 512
9 392 448  
10 440 512  
11 472    
12 512    
 Bachelor of Nursing (B-NUR)
Module code Name of Module Credits Semester
NURS100 Fundamental Nursing 32 Year
ANAT113 Human Anatomy 32 Year
HPHS1NU Introductory Physiology for nursing 16 2
CHEM100 Special Science 16 1
  Elective 1 (Soc Sc) 16  
  Elective 2 (Soc Sc) 16  
  Elective 3 (Soc Sc)* 16  
 Level 2      
NURS230 Preventive & Promotive Health 32 Year
HPHS2NU Physiology themes for nursing 16 1
  Elective 3 (Soc Sc)* 16  
  Elective 4 (Soc Sc) 16  
  Elective 5 (Soc Sc) 16  
  Elective 6 (Soc Sc) 16  
  Elective 7 (Soc Sc) level 200a 16  
  Elective 8 (Soc Sc)level 200b 16  
  Total credits: level 2 128/144  
 Level 3
NURS301 Nursing 301: General Nursing 48 1
NURS313 Administration in Nursing Units 8 2
NURS331  Nursing 302: General Nursing 40 2
NURS308 Research in Nursing 16 2
TAMM21N Pharmacology for Nurses 16 Year
  Total credits: level 3 128  
 Level 4
NURS401 Psychiatric Nursing 48 1 or 2
NURS403 Primary Health Care 16 2
NURS405 Midwifery 48 1 or 2
  Total credits: level 4 112  
  Total credits for the degree 512  

Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Practice) (Pipeline students only)

CHS – NURS 6 Eligibility: Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Practice)

Candidates are eligible to apply for selection to register for the qualification Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Practice) provided they are;

  1. a) nurses who are registered or enrolled with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) and who have had relevant post-registration experience if appropriate; or
  2. b) nurses who have obtained a nursing qualification from another country and who are not registered or are not register-able by the SANC, but who, in the opinion of the Senate, hold qualifications equivalent to those demanded from general nurses in the Republic of South Africa, and
  3. c) have met the University’s requirements for undergraduate study, and
  4. d) have qualified to enter the stream of their choice as spelt out below.

The additional requirements for entering the individual streams are;

       Advanced Clinical programmes:

The applicant must have completed a minimum of 6 (six) months of clinical experience in the selected field of study.

       Non-clinical Programmes:

The applicant must be currently working or have previously worked for a minimum period of one year.

              Comprehensive Clinical Programmes:

The applicant must have registration or a qualification as a nurse or midwife.

CHS – NURS 7 Curriculum for the Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Practice)

  1. a) The curriculum for the qualification of Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Practice), comprising modules with a total credit value of 384 credits as approved by the School, shall extend over six semesters of full-time study or not less than ten semesters of part-time study.
  2. b) Students shall choose one of eight specialist streams and follow the approved curriculum for that stream. The specialisation modules, which are not common to all eight streams at any Level, shall total at least 64 credits in every specialised stream. They must all be passed in order to obtain a qualification in that stream

CHS – NURS 8 Progression

To maintain their good standing, and to avoid receipt of warning of slow academic progress and potential exclusion from the College, students must maintain minimum rates of progression through their qualifications. Minimum rates of acceptable progression for this qualification are set out below

Number Semestersregistered Min. Progressionrequirements “At Risk” threshold(75% of Maximum) Normal progression
1 16 48 72
2 56 96 128
3 96 120 168
4 136 192 256
5 176 232 312
6 216 288 384
7 256 336  
8 288 384  
9 336    
10 384    
 Curriculum for Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Practice)(Pipeline)Stream 2: Nursing Management
Code Name of Module Credits Sem
Level 1
NURS110 General Nursing 1a 32 Year
NURS110 General Nursing 1b 32 Year
  Elective 1 16  
  Elective 2 16  
  Elective 3 16  
  Elective 4 16  
  Total credits: level 1 128  
 Level 2
NURS260 General Nursing 2a 32 Year
NURS260 General Nursing 2b 32 Year
NURS130 Nursing Management 1 32 1
  Elective from inside or outside the school 32  
  Total credits: level 2 128  
 Level 3
NURS240 Nursing Management 2 32 2
NURS341 Managing Learning Organisations 16 1
NURS219 Nursing Philosophy 16 2
NURS319 Nursing Research Project 32 year
NURS217 Nursing Research Theory 16 2
NURS342 Evaluation of Health care programmes 16 2
  Total credits: level 3 128  
  Total credits for the degree 384  
Curriculum for Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Practice) (Pipeline Students Only)Stream 1: Nursing Education (BN-ADP)
Code Name of Module Credits Sem
Level 1
NURS110 General Nursing 1a 32 Year
NURS110 General Nursing 1b 32 Year
  Elective 1 16  
  Elective 2 16  
  Elective 3 16  
  Elective 4 16  
  Total credits: level 1 128  
 Level 2
NURS260 General Nursing 2a 32 Year
NURS260 General Nursing 2b 32 Year
NURS102 Principles & Methods of Teaching & Evaluation 16 2
NURS103 Theories of Learning for Health Professional 16 1
  Elective from inside or outside the school 32  
  Total credits: level 2 128  
 Level 3
NURS219 Nursing Philosophy 16 2
NURS217 Nursing Research Theory 16 2
NURS319 Nursing Research Project 32 Year
NURS307 Facilitation of Recognition of Prior Learning 16 2
NURS221 Curriculum Development 16 1
NURS224 Issues in Health professional Education 16 2
NURS341 Managing Learning Organisations 16 1
  Total credits: level 3 128  
  Total credits for the degree 384  
Curriculum for Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Practice) (Pipeline)Stream 3: Comprehensive Practice
Code Name of Module Credits Sem
 Level 1
NURS110 General Nursing 1a 32 Year
NURS110 General Nursing 1b 32 Year
  Elective 1 16  
  Elective 2 16  
  Elective 3 16  
  Elective 4 16  
  Total credits: level 1 128  
Level 2
NURS120 Mental Health Nursing 1 32 1
NURS262 Community Health Nursing 1 32 1
NURS260 General Nursing 2a 32 Year
NURS260 General Nursing 2b 32 Year
  Total credits: level 2 128  

Level 3
NURS200 Mental Health Nursing 2 32 2
NURS263 Community Health Nursing 2 32 2
NURS219 Nursing Philosophy 16 2
NURS217 Nursing Research Theory 16 2
NURS319 Nursing Research Project 32 year
  Total credits: level 3 128  
  Total credits for the degree 384  
Curriculum for Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Practice) (Pipeline)Stream 4: Advanced Mental Health
Code Name of Module Credits Sem
Level 1
NURS110 General Nursing 1a 32 Year
NURS110 General Nursing 1b 32 Year
  Elective 1 16  
  Elective 2 16  
  Elective 3 16  
  Elective 4 16  
  Total credits: level 1 128  

Level 2

NURS260 General Nursing 2a 32 Year
NURS260 General Nursing 2b 32 Year
NURS250 Advanced Mental Health Nursing 1 32 1
  Elective from inside or outside the school 32  
  Total credits: level 2 128  

Level 3

NURS310 Advanced Mental Health Nursing 2 32 2
NURS341 Managing Learning Organisations 16 1
NURS342 Evaluation of Health Programmes 16 2
NURS217 Nursing Research Theory 16 2
NURS219 Nursing Philosophy 16 1
NURS319 Nursing Research Project 32 Year
  Total credits: level 3 128  
  Total credits for the degree 384  
Curriculum for Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Practice) (Pipeline)Stream 5: Oncology and Palliative Care
Code Name of Module Credits Sem

Level 1

NURS110 General Nursing 1a 32 Year
NURS110 General Nursing 1b 32 Year
  Elective 1 16  
  Elective 2 16  
  Elective 3 16  
  Elective 4 16  
  Total credits: level 1 128  

Level 2

NURS260 General Nursing 2a 32 Year
NURS260 General Nursing 2b 32 Year
NURS205 Foundations of Oncology 16 1
NURS204 Oncological Conditions 16 2
  Elective from inside or outside Nursing 32  
  Total credits: level 2 128  

Level 3

NURS330 Oncological and Palliative Nursing 32 1
NURS342 Evaluation of Health Care Programmes 16 2
NURS341 Managing Learning Organizations 16 1
NURS219 Nursing Philosophy 16 2
NURS217 Nursing Research Theory 16 2
NURS319 Nursing Research Project 32 year
  Total credits: level 3 128  
  Total credits for the degree 384  
Curriculum for Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Practice) (Pipeline)Stream 6: Advanced Midwifery & Neonatal Intensive-Care Nursing
Code Name of Module Credits Sem
Level 1
NURS110 General Nursing 1a 32 Year
NURS110 General Nursing 1b 32 Year
  Elective 1 16  
  Elective 2 16  
  Elective 3 16  
  Elective 4 16  
  Total credits: level 1 128  

Level 2

NURS260 General Nursing 2a 32 Year
NURS260 General Nursing 2b 32 Year
NURS233 Foundations of Neonatology 16 1
NURS235 Neonatal Nursing 16 2
  Elective from inside or outside Nursing 32  
  Total credits: level 2 128  

Level 3

NURS300 Advanced Midwifery 32 year
NURS219 Nursing Philosophy 16 2
NURS342 Evaluation of Health Services 16 2
NURS341 Managing Learning Organizations 16 1
NURS217 Nursing Research Theory 16 2
NURS319 Nursing Research Project 32 year
  Total credits: level 3 128  
  Total credits for the degree 384  
Curriculum for Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Practice) (Pipeline)Stream 7: Critical Care and Trauma
Code Name of Module Credits Sem

Level 1

NURS110 General Nursing 1a 32 Year
NURS110 General Nursing 1b 32 Year
  Elective 1 16  
  Elective 2 16  
  Elective 3 16  
  Elective 4 16  
  Total credits: level 1 128  
Level 2
NURS260 General Nursing 2a 32 Year
NURS260 General Nursing 2b 32 Year
NURS234 Trauma Nursing 16 2
NURS211 Critical Care Nursing A 24 1
  Elective from inside or outside Nursing 32  
  Total credits: level 2 128  

Level 3

NURS212 Critical Care Nursing B 24 2
NURS303 Issues in Critical Care Nursing 16 2
NURS219 Nursing Philosophy 16 2
NURS217 Nursing Research Theory 16 2
NURS319 Nursing Research Project 32 year
NURS341 Managing Learning Organizations 16 1
NURS342 Evaluation of Health Systems 16 2
  Total credits: level 3 128  
  Total credits for the degree 384  
Curriculum for Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Practice) (Pipeline)Stream 8: Primary Health Care Nursing
Code Name of Module Credits Sem

Level 1

NURS110 General Nursing 1a 32 Year
NURS110 General Nursing 1b 32 Year
  Elective 1 16  
  Elective 2 16  
  Elective 3 16  
  Elective 4 16  
  Total credits: level 1 128  

Level 2

NURS260 General Nursing 2a 32 Year
NURS260 General Nursing 2b 32 Year
NURS231 Primary Care 1 32 1
  Elective from inside or outside nursing 32  
  Total credits: level 2 128  

Level 3

NURS232 Primary Care 2 32 2
NURS341 Managing Learning Organizations 16 1
NURS342 Evaluation of Health Systems 16 2
NURS219 Nursing Philosophy 16 2
NURS217 Nursing Research Theory 16 2
NURS319 Nursing Research Project 32 year
  Total credits: level 3 128  
  Total credits for the degree 384  
Curriculum for Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Practice) (Pipeline)Specialization Choice Stream
Code Name of Module Credits Sem

Level 1

NURS110 General Nursing 1a (Exemption with credit) 32 Year
NURS110 General Nursing 1b (Exemption with credit) 32 Year
  Elective 1 16  
  Elective 2 16  
  Elective 3 16  
  Elective 4 16  
  Total credits: level 1 128  

Level 2

NURS260 General Nursing 2a (Exemption with credit) 32 Year
NURS260 General Nursing 2b (Exemption with credit) 32 Year
NURS219 Nursing Philosophy 16 1 & 2
  3 x 16 credit electives 48  
  Total credits : 2 128  
Level 3      
  Elective 1 16  
NURS217 Nursing Research Theory 16 1 & 2
NURS319 Nursing Research Project 32 2
  Elective 2x 32 credits from within or outside the School of Nursing within UKZN 32  
NURS341 Managing Learning Organizations 16 1
NURS342 Evaluation of Health Care Programmes 16 2
  Total credits :Level 3 128  
  Total overall credits for BNAP degree 384  


Postgraduate Programmes

Bachelor of Nursing Honours

CHS – NURSH 1 Eligibility: Bachelor of Nursing Honours

A candidate is eligible to apply for selection to register for the qualification Bachelor of Nursing Honours provided they have;

  1. a) an undergraduate qualification in Nursing, with
  2. b) at least two modules in two or more of the following: Psychology, Sociology, Social Anthropology, Industrial Sociology.
CHS – NURSH 2 Curriculum for the Bachelor of Nursing Honours

The curriculum for the qualification Bachelor of Nursing Honours, comprising modules with a total credit value of 128 credits as approved by the School, shall extend over two semesters of full-time study.

 Curriculum for Bachelor of Nursing Honours(BN-HON)
Code Name of Module Credits Sem
NURS708 Nursing Research 16 1
NURS701 Philosophy of Nursing 16 2
NURS703 Research Project 32 0
And choose modules for 64 credits from:
NURS710 Nursing Management 1 32 1
NURS700 Nursing Management 2 32 2
NURS704 Nursing Education 1 32 1
NURS709 Nursing Education 2 32 2
NURS712 Psychiatric Nursing 32 1
NURS707 Specialised Nursing 16 2
  Approved postgraduate module from other school 16  

Master of Nursing

CHS – NURSM 1 Eligibility: Master of Nursing by research or course-work

Candidates are eligible to apply for selection to register for the qualification Master of Nursing provided they have a;

  1. a) Bachelor of Nursing, or
  2. b) Bachelor of Nursing Honours.
CHS – NURSM 2 Curriculum for the Master of Nursing by Research or Course-work
  1. a) The curriculum for the qualification Master of Nursing, offered by research or course-work, shall comprise a total of 192 credits.
  2. b) A student proceeding with a research masters shall register for a research project.
  3. c) A student proceeding with the course-work masters shall register for credits, as approved by the School, including a School research module (16 credits)

 Master of Nursing by Research

Curriculum for Master of Nursing (Research)(M-NUR)
Code Module name
NURS82F Masters research in Nursing
NURS8CY  Masters research in Nursing continuing
NURS82Y Masters research in Nursing subsequent year

Master of Nursing by Coursework

Curriculum for Master of Nursing
Master in Nursing in Critical Care and Trauma (MN-TCC)
Code Name of Module Credits
Core Modules
NURS822 Advanced Practice Nurse Role 16
NURS860 Research Project 96
NURS861 Research Project subsequent year 96
NURS831 Nursing Research and Nursing Research Methods 16
 Core Specialist Modules
NURS802 Applied Critical Care Nursing 16
NURS815 Essentials of Critical Care Nursing 16
NURS825 Trauma Nursing and Life Support 16
1 Module from the following  Elective Modules
NURS816 Qualitative Research 16
NURS 817 Family Therapy 16
 Master in Nursing in Mental Health Nursing ((MN-MHL)
Code Name of Module Credits
Core Modules
NURS822 Advanced Practice Nurse Role 16
NURS860 Research Project 96
NURS861 Research Project d subsequent year 96
NURS831 Nursing Research and Nursing Research Methods 16
 Core Specialist Modules
NURS803 Advanced mental health nursing skills 16
NURS809 Current issues in mental health care 16
NURS817 Family Collaboration and Support in Health Care Settings 16
NURS835 Psychosocial Rehabilitation 16
 Master in Nursing in Nursing Education (MN-EDU)
Code Name of Module Credits
Core Modules
NURS860 Research Project 96
NURS861 Research Project subsequent year 96
NURS831 Nursing Research and Nursing Research Methods 16
 Core Specialist Modules
NURS805 Community and  Problem-Based Education 16
NURS811 Education Administration 16
NURS823 Progressive Educ for Health Professionals 1 24
NURS824 Progressive Educ for Health Professionals 2 24
 Master in Nursing in Nursing Research (MN-RN)
Code Name of Module Credits
Core Modules
NURS822 Advanced Practice Nurse Role 16
NURS860 Research Project 96
NURS861 Research Project subsequent year 96
NURS831 Nursing Research and Nursing Research Methods 16
 Core Specialist Modules
NURS816 Qualitative Research 16
PBHL8J1M1 Health measurement – descriptive 16
PBHL8J1M2 Health measurement -analytic 16
1 Module from the following  Elective Modules
NURS837 Evidence Based Nursing Practice 16
NURS Roles and Responsibilities of a Nurse Researcher 16
 Master in Nursing in Health Service Management (MN-CW)
Code Name of Module Credits
Core Modules
NURS822 Advanced Practice Nurse Role 16
NURS860 Research Project 96
NURS861 Research Project subsequent year 96
NURS831 Nursing Research and Nursing Research Methods 16
 Core Specialist Modules
NURS807 Comparative Health Systems 16
NURS808 Evaluation of Health Care Systems 16
NURS832 Human Resources Management for Nurse Managers 16
NURS829 Health Services Management Issues for African Nurse Managers 16
 Master in Nursing in Community Health Nursing  ((MN-CMH)
Code Name of Module Credits
Core Modules
NURS822 Advanced Practice Nurse Role 16
NURS860 Research Project 96
NURS861 Research Project subsequent year 96
NURS831 Nursing Research and Nursing Research Methods 16
 Core Specialist Modules
NURS806 Current and Emerging issues in Community Health Nursing 16
NURS820 Advanced Community Health Promotion 16
NURS808 Evaluation of Health Care Systems 16
 1 Module from the following Elective Modules
PBHL8JM1 Health Measurement – descriptive 16
NURS807 Comparative Health Systems 16
 Master in Nursing in Advanced Midwifery & Maternal, Child and  Women’s Health  (MN-MCH)
Code Name of Module Credits
 Core Modules
NURS822 Advanced Practice Nurse Role 16
NURS860 Research Project 96
NURS861 Research Project subsequent year 96
 Core Specialist Modules
NURS810 Advanced Midwifery  and Neonatal Nursing 32
NURS804 Child and Adolescent Health 16
NURS827 Women’s Health 16
Master in Nursing in Gerontological Nursing (MN-CW)
Code Name of Module Credits
 Core Modules
NURS822 Advanced Practice Nurse Role 16


CHS – NURD 1 Eligibility for Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing

Candidates are eligible to apply for selection to register for the qualification of Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing provided they have obtained a relevant Masters degree or a professional qualification deemed appropriate by the School.

Curriculum for Doctor of Philosophy – Nursing(PHD-NR)
      Code Name of Module
NURS91Y PhD Nursing year 1
NURS92Y PhD Nursing subsequent year
NURS9CY PhD Nursing continuing


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