Unisa Diploma In Nursing Education

Unisa Diploma In Nursing Education. Get more information on the nursing programme in education.

Diploma Nursing Education
Upon completion of this programme the candidates are elegible for registration of the additional qualification in Nursing Education with the South African Nursing Council

Unisa Online – Mrs ME Chauke
Dr Motshedisi Eunice Chauke Senior Lecturer. Contact Information. … Email: [email protected] . Academic Qualifications. D Litt et Phil (UNISA) Diploma in General Nursing; Midwifery; Intensive Nursing Science Diploma in Nursing Education and Community Nursing Science (MEDUNSA) BA Cur (UNISA)

GEN1019 Social sciences and ethics
Prerequisite: Enrolled nurses must be registered through a contractual agreement between the Department of Health Studies and the employer.
Purpose: to equip students to apply legal, ethical and professional principles relevant to patients in a general hospital.

GEN102A Basic general nursing science I(a)
Prerequisite: Enrolled nurses must be registered through a contractual agreement between the Department of Health Studies and the employer.
Purpose: to equip students with the scientific nursing process in the clinical care of patients with conditions of the genito-urinary system, communicable diseases and operating room nursing in a general hospital.Advertisement

GEN103B Basic general nursing science I(b)
Prerequisite: Enrolled nurses must be registered through a contractual agreement between the Department of Health Studies and the employer.
Purpose: to equip learners with the scientifi c nursing process in the clinical care of patients with conditions of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system and gastro-intestinal system in a general hospital.

GEN104C Basic general nursing science practica I(a)
Prerequisite: Enrolled nurses must be registered through a contractual agreement between the Department of Health Studies and the employer.
Purpose: to equip learners with the basic scientifi c practical skills to nurse patients with conditions of the genito-urinary system, communicable diseases and operating room nursing in a general hospital.

GEN105D Basic general nursing science practica I(b)
Prerequisite: Enrolled nurses must be registered through a contractual agreement between the Department of Health Studies and the employer.
Purpose: to equip learners with the basic scientifi c practical skills to nurse patients with conditions of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system and gastro-intestinal system in a general hospital.


GEN201C Applied social sciences
Prerequisite: GEN101
Purpose: to equip learners with skills to function within a multicultural society as relevant to patients in a general hospital.

GEN202D Basic general nursing science II(a)
Prerequisite: GEN102 and GEN103
Purpose: to equip learners with the scientifi c nursing process in the clinical care of patients with conditions of the nervous system, the endocrine system, the immune system and the musculo-skeletal system in a general hospital.

GEN203E Basic general nursing science II(b)
Prerequisite: GEN102 and GEN103
Purpose: to equip learners with the scientifi c nursing process in the clinical care of patients with conditions of the integumentary system, oncology and microbiology of communicable diseases in a general hospital.

GEN204F Basic general nursing science practica II(a)
Prerequisite: GEN104 and GEN105
Purpose: to equip learners with the scientifi c nursing skills in the clinical care of patients with conditions of the nervous system, the endocrine system, the immune system and the musculo-skeletal system in a general hospital.Advertisement

GEN205G Basic general nursing science practica II(b)
Prerequisite: GEN104 and GEN105
Purpose: to equip learners with the scientifi c nursing skills in the clinical care of patients with conditions of the integumentary system and cancer